Songs screaming Bangladesh - patriotic band songs

Songs screaming Bangladesh If we had one great compilation of patriotic band songs, of contemporary nationalistic hymns, which would boil our blood with patriotic passion, give goose bumps or even make our hair standup. Which would they be? Writes Faizul Khan Tanim Bangladesh by George Harrison and friends This is the song, which ignited immense strength and power for all freedom craving Bangladeshis in 1971. And again around the early 90’s, when popular TV show Ittyadi telecasted the powerful music video of this song, once again, The Concert for Bangladesh was revisited and it oozed out inspiration about our nation’s birth for the young generation. And today, when this immortal song is played with Harrison’s words: My friend came to me, with sadness in his eyes. He told me that he wanted help before his country dies. Although I couldn’t feel the pain, I knew I had to try. Now I’m asking all of you to help us save some lives...Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh, our citizens should remi...