
Showing posts from 2009

Getting the Spiritual High - Band Lalon releases second studio album Khyapa

Getting the Spiritual High Band Lalon releases second studio album Khyapa Faizul Khan Tanim Khyapa, the recently released album of Lalon, the folk-fusion-rock band is a rich blend of folk (mostly Lalon geeti) lyrics, warm and powerful guitar sounds, acclimated bass lines and smooth drumming accompanying the arresting vocals. Their music has expanded from mediocre compositions to more retro and stylish folk-fusion-tinged rock. Khyapa consists of eight profound mood pieces whose visionary proclamations, mystical queries and arcane answers of Lalon are weaved in a poetically heightened Nakshi Kantha like imagery. Like archaeological site post cards boasting tales of sacred fortunes, these fusion rock numbers are framed in musical settings -- Khyapa, the song from the album for example revolves around answering the immortal question once asked by Lalon himself in his heavily admired song “Milon Hobe Kotodin-e”. Vocalist Sumi recalls her tutelage from Guru Shafi Mondal, “I strongly believe

Lalon Breaks Free :-) - rock band Lalon releases their 2nd studio album

Lalon Breaks Free :-) By Faizul Khan Tanim/ The preaching and philosophy of Lalon is indeed so powerful that even the stones could not hold them. The “awareness” did not want to be protected inside the carved statuettes…not even in the form of exclusive sculptures. So, they have finally broken free and came to cater our craving for Lalon’s ideology and spiritual realization. Lalon lives within these five individuals in a rock band called Lalon and his immortal poetry of philosophical significance this time affectionately advocates peace through rock presentations. I would like to remember today's gig as Somi the front man of Lalon rocking a concert just like Dolores of The Cranberries rocks every stage she is on and I humbly wait for that day when an international artist would be addressed ''hey, there goes the Somi of our country''. Her good looks and boyish charms - short hair, big black bindi on forehead, scarf neatly messy round the neck disap

Prithibi Bakte Boshechchey

c„w_ex euvK‡Z e‡m‡Q dvBRyj Lvb Zvwbg 30/09/2009 Bs f‡qi wbtk¦vm... civR‡qi `xN©k¦vm wbqgewnf~©Z ZvB bxwZ‡K Ki‡Q MÖvm †jUbvBU UK †kv... eyw×Rxex †gjv... weÁvcb weiwZ... c‡Y¨ mgvPvi... Mf©avi‡Y Avi Me© i‡e bv gvZ…‡µv‡o Avi wkï †kv‡e bv wcZ… Av`‡i ˆkke †Quv‡e bv aŸsm n‡”Q wK g~j¨‡eva? åvZ… e܇bi Mvb ˆKki Mv‡e bv fwMbxZ¡ Avn¬v` Rxe‡b n‡e bv esk‡MvÎ g~j¨ wb‡q †KD K_v K‡e bv GB †eva aŸsm Ki †iva| mylg mymgq... AR©‡b webvg~‡j¨ mvkªq KwZcq `ytmgq... †Kv_vI †`ebv‡Kv Avkªq me M­vwb gy‡Q †dwj, me Kó Ny‡P... G j‡¶¨ †gv‡`i n‡e n‡eB Rq|

Hijibiji :-)


Bheshojo Bhrom-e

‡flR å‡g myh©v‡¯—i cwðg AvKv‡ki gvZvj iw³g Avfvq, GK †gN jvj †cÖ‡g bxjvf †bkvi gvqvq | Ac~e© GB `„‡k¨ we‡fvi mvMi cv‡i mevB, gb gvZv‡bv meyR M‡Ü nvwi‡q Avwg hvB | ïK‡bv cvZvi †gv‡n hLb †avqv‡U mv`v I‡o, evZvm i‡½i Avwj½‡b ¯^cœ¸‡jv †Nv‡i | kixi n‡Z Kíbv Pvq †f‡m †eov‡Z, S‡oi †e‡M, †XD‡qi my‡i...†e¸wb Av‡jv‡Z | ïïK, K~g©,MvswP‡jiv fxlb D‡ËRbvq, we`~lx GK grm¨Kb¨v Pig fvjevmvq | Kíbv Avi ev¯—eZvi gyPwK nvwmi cÖv‡š—, Avwg GKvB ivRv,Avi †KIbv...‡avuqvi GB ivR‡Z¡ |

AKIL er Jonno Bhalobasha

AvwK‡ji Rb¨ fv‡jvevmv ev¯—e AvwKj bv‡gi NywoUv AvR †fv‡i myZv †K‡U D‡o †Mj, XvDm isP½v cÖvYeš— KvM‡Ri GK Pvi‡Kvbv| ÔÔKx †`vl e‡‡Zvi gvÄv‡Z wbN©vZ Luv` wQj, ZviB gv‡S wekvj bxj AvKvk, †ivgvÂKi evZvm, nvZQvwb w`‡q WvK‡jv Avgvq| Kx Avðh© ! nxivi UzK‡iv wb‡q †Ljv Ki‡Q †h †QvÆ jywm, wcQ‡j †Mjvg, GB Af~Zc~e© `„k¨ †`Lvi †jvf mvgjv‡bv †h `vqÓ| Dcjwä (1) Avwg AvR eÇ Dw”Qó †`vgov‡bv †gvPov‡bv wgjv‡`i wgwói †Vv½v, Wv÷we‡b wVK †mvfv †c‡qI †cjvg bv, †Kbbv cÖwZ‡ekx nZ”Qvov †ND †ND Gi `j MÜ ïu‡K wKQy bv cvIqv‡Z †ek wei³| ZvB †`‡L c_Kwjiv gv‡i fxlY jvw_...†m GK D‡ËRbvgq `„k¨| Ggwb mg‡q nVvr wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi UªvKUv †`‡L fxlY kvwš— jvMj, hvÎv n‡jv ïi“ ARvbv Mš—‡e¨...| Dcjwä (2) Avgv‡`i †hLv‡b cÖ_g †`Lv †mLv‡b G†dvi bigvj, Ad‡mU, AvU© Avi eªvDb †ccvi mn iwOb wKQyiB-wQj wekvj mgvnvi, KZ Sjg‡j evnvwi Av‡jvKm¾v, †µZvq ficyi| mevi g‡a¨B Zvi mv‡_B wQj Avgvi g¯— LvwZi... Avwg wQjvg wb‡P Avi I wQj wVK gv‡Si †k‡î| nVvrB GKw`b wfbœ ¶‡Ï‡ii cvj­vq c‡o Avgiv Qwo‡q wQwU‡q †Mjvg, `ytL ïay GKUvB...†Kb

AKIL er Jonno Bhalobasha

AvwK‡ji Rb¨ fv‡jvevmv ev¯—e AvwKj bv‡gi NywoUv AvR †fv‡i myZv †K‡U D‡o †Mj, XvDm isP½v cÖvYeš— KvM‡Ri GK Pvi‡Kvbv| ÔÔKx †`vl e‡‡Zvi gvÄv‡Z wbN©vZ Luv` wQj, ZviB gv‡S wekvj bxj AvKvk, †ivgvÂKi evZvm, nvZQvwb w`‡q WvK‡jv Avgvq| Kx Avðh© ! nxivi UzK‡iv wb‡q †Ljv Ki‡Q †h †QvÆ jywm, wcQ‡j †Mjvg, GB Af~Zc~e© `„k¨ †`Lvi †jvf mvgjv‡bv †h `vqÓ| Dcjwä (1) Avwg AvR eÇ Dw”Qó †`vgov‡bv †gvPov‡bv wgjv‡`i wgwói †Vv½v, Wv÷we‡b wVK †mvfv †c‡qI †cjvg bv, †Kbbv cÖwZ‡ekx nZ”Qvov †ND †ND Gi `j MÜ ïu‡K wKQy bv cvIqv‡Z †ek wei³| ZvB †`‡L c_Kwjiv gv‡i fxlY jvw_...†m GK D‡ËRbvgq `„k¨| Ggwb mg‡q nVvr wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi UªvKUv †`‡L fxlY kvwš— jvMj, hvÎv n‡jv ïi“ ARvbv Mš—‡e¨...| Dcjwä (2) Avgv‡`i †hLv‡b cÖ_g †`Lv †mLv‡b G†dvi bigvj, Ad‡mU, AvU© Avi eªvDb †ccvi mn iwOb wKQyiB wQj wekvj mgvnvi, KZ Sjg‡j evnvwi Av‡jvKm¾v, †µZvq ficyi| mevi g‡a¨B Zvi mv‡_B wQj Avgvi g¯— LvwZi... Avwg wQjvg wb‡P Avi I wQj wVK gv‡Si †k‡î| nVvrB GKw`b wfbœ ¶‡Ï‡ii cvj­vq c‡o Avgiv Qwo‡q wQwU‡q †Mjvg, `ytL ïay GKUvB...†Kb

Rock band BLACK from Bangladesh -

Image BLACK – the band from underground who came OVERGROUND and released their own youtube channel......wickeddddd innit? :-) check out Now, these rock beasts boasting Wolverish features from Dhaka kicks in the right amount of adrenaline in to the it through your headphones or at a raging rock concert. I mean their rock solid guitar riffs, solos, heart pounding drums n bass topped with growls and screams - they have successfully mastered the 'rhythms of rock', 'moods of melancholy'....and all those emotionally justifiable lines like ' when I touched her, I felt the best part of me touched '. And here they are, once again...with all their official music videos, footage and all the necessary clippings to keep them rolling inside rock heads and ballad belles. And here is what BLACK wants to do: *Emotionally sizzle you with all their latest updates, behind-

Football eii Bijoy


Nishshash-er Haalkhata / Breathe Free

Breathe Free 19/07/2009

A hidden community of Bangladesh

A hidden community Faizul Khan Tanim is thrilled by his visit to the Telugu community from Ishwardi and traces their ancient history while learning of their difficulties today photo (two women Telugus) by Khamin, rest by Faizul Khan Tanim Upon reaching the local bus stand at Ishwardi, an upazila of Pabna district in Rajshahi division, it takes 15 minutes by rickshaw to get to the Hospital Railway Colony and New Railway Colony of Fateh Mohammedpur suburb where the greater part of the of the Telugu community lives. These people impress one as laidback in their colourful attire, rich with vibrant cries and laughter. Passing, one can see that most of the buildings are red brick, essentially one-storey structures and most dating back to the early 1940’s. On arrival we were warmly greeted and welcomed in one of their homes in a tin-shed house with a big living area where they all gathered, mostly smiling and astonished faces of almost all ages to find out our purpose. Bright saris and lehan