Getting the Spiritual High - Band Lalon releases second studio album Khyapa

Getting the Spiritual High Band Lalon releases second studio album Khyapa Faizul Khan Tanim Khyapa, the recently released album of Lalon, the folk-fusion-rock band is a rich blend of folk (mostly Lalon geeti) lyrics, warm and powerful guitar sounds, acclimated bass lines and smooth drumming accompanying the arresting vocals. Their music has expanded from mediocre compositions to more retro and stylish folk-fusion-tinged rock. Khyapa consists of eight profound mood pieces whose visionary proclamations, mystical queries and arcane answers of Lalon are weaved in a poetically heightened Nakshi Kantha like imagery. Like archaeological site post cards boasting tales of sacred fortunes, these fusion rock numbers are framed in musical settings -- Khyapa, the song from the album for example revolves around answering the immortal question once asked by Lalon himself in his heavily admired song “Milon Hobe Kotodin-e”. Vocalist Sumi recalls her tutelage from Guru Shafi Mondal, “I strongly believe ...