Musical Miracles Unleashed - Upol Islam's debut album Miracle-1 released

Musical Miracles Unleashed Tor Jonnno Ami Bonno famed Upol Islam releases his debut album Miracle-I By Faizul Khan Tanim When I was listening to a recently released CD of Upol, the album title Miracle-1 reminded me of a Bon Jovi quote - “Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you.” Upol's songs are contemporary - a luminous mix of emotional-vocals-in-tune, electronic pop, righteous rock sound, red-hot lyrics and the whole compilation sends a message to believe in the beauty of miracles, which weaves stories in our head. Thus, the stories begin…the stories of real life ordeals and enticing memories molded in memorable music compositions, lyrics and the album is declaring this - the phenomenon miracle is fascinating. Be it incredible achievements, sudden realizations or morbid fall downs all these extreme emotions seem miraculous as every human being gets affected by them…and most importantly, on a positive note. The ...