Arnob's Roud Bolechhey Hobey

Roud Bolechchey Hobey by Faizul Khan Tanim Roud Bolechchey Hobey promised to take me on a musical journey but it just left my feelings maimed by the roadside. Welcome to one of the most morbid albums of the year as Arnob's songs here are few shades darker and slower than the previous compilations. The overall sound could have been better as well. It’s obvious the singer’s going in a much more downbeat direction with the melancholy compositions and a sombre voice. But interestingly, there are very few artistes who can be in personal relationships with his/her fans to make an impact - sometimes, an artist does need to talk things out with life over slow, joyless melodies and has a different story to tell. To me, Arnob does this with flair with his overall lyrics, which are quite confessional and a little sad. And sometimes, the mystifying depth of a song can be the best part of an album. For example, track six Biri has a very psychedelic and atmospheric feel with the use of slid...