An essential Social Media Project: A project for Open and Social Media M97MC

***This is our Open and Social Media (M97MC) Project for Ross Varney. These are nano tales/ micro fiction or flash fiction which describes one person's account followed by a photograph. You can add a video, a photograph or any media you deem necessary to compliment and illustrate your one paragraph nanotale, which will be a continuation of this story :-]. The Coventry swimming pool was basking in a flood of warmth, abundance of warm psychedelic sunlight and all the melodies of Disney animations and was lile following Alice in to Wonderland 'underwater'. As the powerful rays hit the blue tiled pool bed, a flash of memory assailed my imagination. There were hints of happiness, underwater a point where it's therapeutic and then suddenly as I cruised to the other head hits the wall. All of a sudden, I can see a constant diffusion of my red blood cells in front of my i drowning?