Entries pouring in Canberra Times autumn photo competition

This article was first published in The Canberra Times on May 12, 2015 - 11:30PM http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/entries-pouring-in-canberra-times-autumn-photo-competition-20150512-ggzkzd.html Autumn's peaceful glory captured By Faizul Khan Canberra is always alive with the colours of the four seasons. As the red and golden leaves blow in the wind to usher in the dusk of autumn and dawn of winter as June approaches, Canberrans have been rugging up with beanies and jumpers. The season has also inspired amateur photographers to seize the picture-perfect moments with their cameras. Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Sean Carson said Canberra could expect cooler temperatures ranging from 2 degrees to 12 degrees in the next week with light showers and snow on the mountains. "We could very well experience El Nino conditions for the second-half of the year which means a warmer climate," Mr Carson added. On Tues...