Cricket & BANGLADESH - The AD that stole our heart

3, 2, 1, Action We, Cricket and Bangladesh
Grameen Phone’s new musical advertisement creating emotional waves
by Faizul Khan Tanim

Bangladesh has been depicted on Television commercials in different ways over the years, but has any one managed to send a shiver of patriotism down your spine? I am not a huge fan of Cricket but this particular advertisement gave me goose-bumps.
This ad has become so popular that, discussions regarding it in online forums could be found plenty and, even a low graphic quality of it is put on You Tube, the fastest growing video streaming site.

Although, like others, this ad aims at human expressions to cash in on the sentiment of the consumers, there is no denying that it carries a spirit of achievement.

The 150 seconds ad titled ‘We, Cricket and Bangladesh’, the concept and script of the advertisement for Grameen Phone (GP) was developed by the creative agency Cogito Marketing Solutions. Amitabh Reza directed, camera operator was L Apu Rozario and Half Stop Down is the production house.

Creative Director of the agency, Razeeb H Chowdhury said, ‘we made a proposal to GP to develop this advertisement and our goal was to make such an impact so that the people from all walks of life can sing and affectionately hum this musical ad.’

‘This TV commercial’s purpose is to let everyone know about its three focused areas: Cricket is everywhere, the hope of doing well and, how this game may unite the whole nation,’ Razeeb added.

It starts with rural Bangladesh, children with eager expressions and the making of a pennant of pride and victory – a cricket bat. Cricket, cricket, cricket. It’s everywhere - metropolitan rooftops, lazy classrooms, within an uptight teacher, car lit city field, in vivid imagination and computer games, in urban romanticism, in a village kid trying to find fun in water and in a random flirting during a street game.

The visualisation was excellent and, nearly, most viewers commented that: if our national team boys can jump for a ball that, the village kid does from a boat, then cricket will soon become an inspirational sport uniting the people.

The jingle has been crafted to hum! The lyric is extremely catchy with a melodic tune.
As soon as the tune and jingle voices the phrase Lal Shobuj er…Potaka, you immediately feel a greater part of your heart crying aloud – Bangladesh.

The music director was Fuad Ibne Rubbi, lead singer was Milon Mahmud and singers Mila, Ishtiaque and Shamrat gave side vocals.
The final part apparently touched every one as it shows how this game unites the whole nation irrespective of class, creed, religion and gender. With prayers offered in mosques, temples, monasteries and churches and in the hearts of millions of Bangladeshis, the least that our team can do is PLAY A GOOD GAME!

*This article was first published in Glitz Magazine of The Daily New Age March 29 2007


Salam Dhaka said…
Awesome stuff man!

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