Everyone is MAD during the summer - The heat stress, hot head, and scorching weather

Everyone is MAD during the summer - The heat stress, hot head, and scorching weather

Realize why the productivity of Bangladeshi people becomes low during summer? Why people are more angry, swearing at each other for little things? More chaos taking place on both streets and in homes.

The answer to me is the excessive heat and humidity problem to be specific. If you read the newspapers, the amount of social problems like car accidents, street brawls are less and comes down during winter.

The summer heat makes your temper rise for no apparent reasons. Its just that you are sweating, more tired, feeling uncomfortable and irritating, which is why even the slightest mistakes made by other people ticks you off. Your head boils with anger, you start a fight you were not supposed to, and then it becomes a domino effect of misshapenness. The whole day becomes a bad day just for one reason.

Imagine, you got up from sleep to start for the office…you move out, its so hot that you are sweating like a pig. Your freshly ironed shirt lost all crease. You are feeling sticky and irritating and right at that moment a cng auto rickshaw driver accidentally hit your car…there it goes.

Not only will this fight disturb you at that moment but that whole day might just get ruined.

According to Chinese heat stress doctors this might be the cause: Heat conditions are described as hot and inflammatory, exacerbated by hot weather and exposure to direct heat. They represent an over-active metabolic process, which can result in hypertension, hyperthyroid, ulcers, colitis, inflammed arthritic joints, as well as flu and skin rashes.
(http://www.aworldofacupuncture.com/acupuncture-disharmony-causes.htm / http://www.macmillandictionary.com/med-magazine/April2004/18-Metaphor-Anger.htm )

Luckily, our human body is efficient at keeping our body temperatures constant. In order to maintain body temperatures at a constant temperature, the body must release the heat. This is carried out through blood circulation and sweating. Once your body temperature reaches 98.6F, your heart begins to pump more blood through the circulatory system. Blood vessels expand and allow more blood flow to the skin surface where the excess heat can be released through the skin.
If this process is not enough to cool the body, your brain tells your sweat glands in the skin to release large quantities of sweat onto the skin surface. As the sweat evaporates it cools the skin by eliminating heat from the body. In environments with high humidities this process is hindered because the evaporative process is decreased and it is harder for the body to cool itself.
The problems resulting from this situation can range from being uncomfortable to death. With so much blood being pumped to the skin it is hard for the body to maintain its normal functions. Increased body temperature and physical discomfort promote irritability, anger, and other emotional states, that can cause workers to bypass safety procedures or to lose concentration while performing hazardous job functions.
(Source: research on Heat Stress by Office of Environmental Health & Radiation Safety (HSOEHR), USA)

Now I’m not being bias or anything but I believe working conditions are better in countries with less humidity and cold weather. The irritating factor is there…Yes! But at least your brain is not boiling and thus work becomes better. Productivity is more.

In Bangladesh its impossible to change the weather but I guess we can follow these basic tips to stay cool and this applies for both you and your employee who is working on the fields:-

* Drink a lot of cool water all day, before you actually feel thirsty. Every 15 minutes, you may need a glass of water.
* Keep taking rest breaks after 45 minutes of work.
* Try resting in a cool, shady spot. Use fans.
* Wear light-colored clothing, made of cotton.
* Work in the shade.
* For heavy work in hot areas, take turns with other workers, so some can rest.
* If you travel to a warm area for a new job, you need time for your body to get used to the heat. -Be extra careful the first 2 weeks on the job.
-If you work in protective clothing, you need more rest breaks. You may also need to check your temperature and heart rate. (Numeric points:- source: HSOEHR)
* Try and avoid too much oily and fatty food and products which takes longer time to digest.
* Avoid hot cups and replace it by cold fruit juices or at least cold water or lemon water
* TRY PLAYING MUSIC ALL THE TIME (carry a discman, ipod…hookup music in your office/home) THIS RELAXES YOUR BRAIN GREATLY

Faizul Khan Tanim


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