Bheshojo Bhrom-e

‡flR å‡g

myh©v‡¯—i cwðg AvKv‡ki gvZvj iw³g Avfvq,
GK †gN jvj †cÖ‡g bxjvf †bkvi gvqvq |
Ac~e© GB `„‡k¨ we‡fvi mvMi cv‡i mevB,
gb gvZv‡bv meyR M‡Ü nvwi‡q Avwg hvB |

ïK‡bv cvZvi †gv‡n hLb †avqv‡U mv`v I‡o,
evZvm i‡½i Avwj½‡b ¯^cœ¸‡jv †Nv‡i |
kixi n‡Z Kíbv Pvq †f‡m †eov‡Z,
S‡oi †e‡M, †XD‡qi my‡i...†e¸wb Av‡jv‡Z |

ïïK, K~g©,MvswP‡jiv fxlb D‡ËRbvq,
we`~lx GK grm¨Kb¨v Pig fvjevmvq |
Kíbv Avi ev¯—eZvi gyPwK nvwmi cÖv‡š—,
Avwg GKvB ivRv,Avi †KIbv...‡avuqvi GB ivR‡Z¡ |


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