Prithibi Bakte Boshechchey

c„w_ex euvK‡Z e‡m‡Q
dvBRyj Lvb Zvwbg
30/09/2009 Bs

f‡qi wbtk¦vm... civR‡qi `xN©k¦vm
wbqgewnf~©Z ZvB bxwZ‡K Ki‡Q MÖvm
†jUbvBU UK †kv... eyw×Rxex †gjv...
weÁvcb weiwZ... c‡Y¨ mgvPvi...

Mf©avi‡Y Avi Me© i‡e bv
gvZ…‡µv‡o Avi wkï †kv‡e bv
wcZ… Av`‡i ˆkke †Quv‡e bv
aŸsm n‡”Q wK g~j¨‡eva?

åvZ… e܇bi Mvb ˆKki Mv‡e bv
fwMbxZ¡ Avn¬v` Rxe‡b n‡e bv
esk‡MvÎ g~j¨ wb‡q †KD K_v K‡e bv
GB †eva aŸsm Ki †iva|

mylg mymgq... AR©‡b webvg~‡j¨ mvkªq
KwZcq `ytmgq... †Kv_vI †`ebv‡Kv Avkªq
me M­vwb gy‡Q †dwj,
me Kó Ny‡P...
G j‡¶¨ †gv‡`i n‡e n‡eB Rq|


bodda said…
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bodda said…
are dusto, tui to dekhi moha kobi
didnt know about your blog, and about your kobi-hood.
kemon achish?
tanim-butpar said…
dostoooooooooooooo fuadddddddddddddd
thank u dost...miss u...tor khobvor ki?

and thanx a lot...joldi bol shob kamon choltese? desh e kobe ashbi?

still in denmark?
Anonymous said…
It is remarkable, very useful message

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