Des’ree Desserts – slices of paradise

Des’ree Desserts – slices of paradise Faizul Khan Tanim basks in chocolaty happiness and cookie dough goodness as a slice of the dessert melts in his mouth Rich, chocolaty, mocha, charmingly sweet, sinfully scrumptious and all that jazz - these slices are what one’s heart desire, mind craves and appetite flames for. Be it Des’ree’s berry, chocolate-chip cookie dough or the rocky-road brownies, cinnamon rolls, tangy lemon cheesecake, pineapple cake, the familiar chocolate pound cake or the unusual choco-swirled marble pound cake, mocha pound cake with chocolate glaze up to any of the savoury baked items like meat pies and calzones and more – you will get high on these blissful desserts and will experience the inevitable choco-hangover and it is the best feeling ever. The name behind such marvels is Anahita Ahmed, a woman-of-substance lecturer during the days but the ultimate ‘dessert queen’ during the after hours. She claims it was love at first bite during her childhood when dear m...