Floating Fun - A spontaneous boat trip on Gulshan-Banani lake

Floating Fun - A spontaneous boat trip on Gulshan-Banani lake

Faizul Khan Tanim took a boat ride to clear his head. You can enjoy a brief sojourn on the lake. Boats stop at several spots, pick one that is convenient, on Road 32, Gulshan by the lake or try the Mohakhali TB Gate. One hour of floating without a worry costs Tk 150, and you’ll love the easy banter of the enterprising young boys who earn a little extra by ferrying you around. Meet Sohel (10), Rubel (15), Azizul Hakim (16) and Mohammad Shimul (22); they say when not on the water, they are in school. Then there is 22 year old Zahidul Islam Noman, Shimul’s friend and a budding poet, who’ll compose a fitting verse for you, here’s a sample, “Ontor Jano Attar Pori, Shommo Shoyon Shopi Okaron…Pordar Arale Dekhlum Ak Opurbo Ordho Choron.”

The only draw back is the polluted water. The Jaago Foundation’s recent initiative to clean the lake is a commendable idea, but more must be done to ensure these water bodies don’t die by all concerned.

Photos by Faizul Khan Tanim


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