The Unofficial Anthems of Bangladesh

liberation war & March 26 special issue - music *This article is dedicated to my 4+month old son ABEER...i love u baba, may u know the true history of our existence :-] The Unofficial Anthems of Bangladesh There are some patriotic songs of contemporary impression which boils our blood with nationalistic passion, give us goose bumps and even make our hair standup. Writes Faizul Khan Tanim A not-so super-star singer-songwriter Kaiser Cartel once wrote and sang these beautiful lines and got his name nailed in the heart of good tunes - End of the day on the subway, in my ear, along the way, the headphones play...i can hear you, you’re my favourite song...i want to sing it again . And call it remembrances or loyalty, there are some songs about Bangladesh which give you immense kicks to sing them again...and again...and again. Bangladesh had its fair share of these songs from pre-Liberation era and the phase while we got our independence. However, ther...