Confessions of a Swimmer

Confessions of a Swimmer
by ME

Swimming has been the most profound form of exercise that helps me relax, have fun and meditate apart from the usual full body workout. What we know is that this splish-splash can tone and stretch both the upper and lower body muscles while also burning calories. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves lung capacity and helps reduce stress. But what we know less is that an hour of vigorous swimming will burn up to 650 calories, which is more than walking or biking by the way. And the best part is, you can continue this until very old age. Swimming can be a sport, a fun activity or even meditation under water. Yes, meditation. I’m not even kidding. Swimming cures emotional sickness. So, whichever strikes your fancy, this is one activity which will never stop making you look good. Always remember the saying, If you look good, you’ll feel good!

If you are member of the elite clubs in Bangladesh, then a fresh water swimming pool is just what you can get without trouble. But not to worry, the border guards Bangladesh (BGB) swimming pool is pretty clean and has good instructors. You can also check out Dhaka University swimming facility or Women’s Complex in Dhanmondi. Remember, once you are getting the knack of swimming, don’t try to do it vigorously until you have crossed 30 minutes at least. After you have reached the half hour mark, your muscles will start relaxing and you will find yourself swimming better so the trick is to not give up until 1800 seconds, only. One of the best online tutorials which can aid beginners can be found at

So stop wasting time and go swimming, it not only makes you fit but can save your life in times of water disasters. Happy Splashing!


Unknown said…
Can you provide me the phn number of BDR swimming pool?
Unknown said…
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