Chasing the Blues with Panduranga White

Chasing the Blues with Panduranga White

Faizul Khan Tanim recommends a unique musical workshop

A workshop called Chasing the Blues is being conducted by a real blues man at Shadhona. If you are a musician then we suggest you make your way there to get some pointers from Panduranga White.

The workshop began on January 11 and will continue for a week. It is aimed at all musicians and uses an easy informal format; there is a lot of jamming and improvisation, with Pandu sharing a word along the way. He will cover all the major genres, with emphasis on the blues. On the first day he was at hand with heaps of pointers, such as “When you play, project your feelings. Play the solos from your guts and not fingers and emphasise on the power of music, which should always be passion-driven.”

Panduranga White is a great blues musician, theorist and an amazing storyteller who narrates the tales with passion, taking you on a journey with him. When he recounts the tales of the Blues, for example Delta Blues and how it evolved, it is a thrilling experience. He will tell you about the artists, the record labels and the sound they are famous for. White fuses blues, soul, jazz, and Indian classical elements to craft his music.

He has performed with the likes of Ike Turner, Ravi Shankar, BB King, Solomon Burke, Anoushka Shankar and others so it is definitely worth getting up close and personal with such a musician, a rare treat for local musicians.

Talking about what he expects from the participants after the end of the workshop, he said, “The participants will gain the basics and fundamentals of blues. Patterns of solo-ing and understanding the requirements to play this genre as a whole.”

He felt that such a workshop is relevant for Bangladesh, as the blues is the music of the delta in the United States, which is a unique connection to our delta, the music and the culture it has given birth to. “I discovered this by playing with the Bauls and how easily my blues background meshed with their sound. I think that is because of the feelings and these certain fundamentals of blues allow me to play folk music from anywhere.”


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