Street Food Fest - Indulge in the spirit of iftari

Food Fest

Indulge in the spirit of iftari

Faizul Khan Tanim is always craving the crunchy, spicy food that we eat during Ramadan

Photos by Faizul Khan Tanim

Chhola bhaja, piyaju, beguni, jilapi, alur chop - crispy, flavoursome, colourful - a diverse range of crunchy snacks called iftari, these items here are major attractions during Ramadan. But the availability of these munch delights are not limited to just one month anymore; you can get them in different places around town, throughout the year. Banani Bazaar is one such area where you would find these items.

Tk 5 to 10 worth of chhola bhaja, piyajus and begunis from Tk 2 a piece, Tk 10 for a filling large-sized jilapi or the potato chop - they are hot, tasty, and churns essence of aromatic spices.

If one can spare five to ten minutes, they will make you the ‘ultimate iftari mix’ with all the items mentioned above with specials add-ons – muri (puffed rice), green chili, shredded onions and coriander leaves, few drops of mustard oil and a large dash of lemon squeeze and you are good to go.

The best thing happens when both flavors - hot (chili) and sweet (jilapi), meshed together, - burst into a unique zest in your mouth. It’s like relieving the memories and spirit of iftari and companionship from a single spoonful of that fantastic mix.


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